A Major Update on the Tumblr Theme Collection

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been working on updates through the entire Tumblr theme collection. Below is a list of all the new features and updates. Feel free to shoot me a message if you are experiencing any bugs, or have ideas for new features.
All Themes
- Added bufferpx so that the infinite scroll fires before reaching the bottom.
- Added support for full width inline image.
- Fixed issue with inline image overflowing the post containers.
- Added support for pages.
- Issue with view port user-scalable=false fixed.
- Added “{block:hidden}” for all meta options, reducing html size, therefore increased loading speed
- Enhanced and packaged javascript files. Enhanced overall loading speed, and removed and flashes on initial load.
- Reblog links now all open in new window.
- Added option to unstick logo.
- Add note count on top of note portrait grid, same styling as “Show More Notes”
- Rewrote post randomizing script, now it’s cleaner and more minimal.
- Photoset posts now works on mobile.
- Option now defaults to Tumblr default control.
- Added TV static loading effect.
- Fixed the quick flash on photo hover when both ragtime and cerean is on.
- Faster infinite scroll loading.
- Fixed issue with search and tag container not blending in with the grid on sidebar blent layout.
- Fixed issue with post container jumping when infinite scroll is fired.
- Fixed issue with extreme height on post container when infinite scroll fires the first time.
- Removed “actions” section in post pop-out and permalink page
- Disabled scrolling when the ajax container is activated.
- Added scrollbar when the popout posts is taller than the viewers screen window
- Photoset hovers position fixed.
- Fixed loading animation issue on safari.
- Resolved sticky sidebar jagged issue.
- Removed extra quotation in front of ask questions.
- Enabled horizontal scrolling even if the window width is smaller than the container width.
- Photoset gap issue at bottom, fixed by using imagesloaded before masonry fires.
- Rewrote the filtering function using CSS methods as opposed to javascript.
- Re-adjusted like button position on photo hovers.
- Fixed issue with infinite scroll not firing when the viewers screen height is taller than the post container.
- Fixed Instagram feed.
- Fixed issue with sidebar positioning on first install. Now it defaults to left.
- Added script to replace medium resolution image to high resolution image when posts are highlighted (doubled width).
- Fixed issue with huge gap appearing below photosets.
- Fixed like button positioning on photo hover effect 2.
- Enhanced post loading animation.
- Sidebar is now positioning according to the window width as oppose to the container width.
- Fixed issue with infinite scroll not firing when the viewer’s screen height is taller than the post container.
- Fixed issue with new post loads overlapping with each other on initial load
- Removed black background on photosets.
- Overall html refinement.
- Minimized html on post section, enhancing loading speed.
- All photos now load in 500 pixels as opposed to 1280, increasing the loading speed significantly.
- Added script to replace medium resolution image to high resolution image when posts are highlighted (doubled width),
- Removed all description breaks.
- Removed the ability to click on description, social icon, or search bar when it’s not slided down.
- Repositioned back to top button.
- Enhanced infinite scrolling.
- Fluid support for all screen sizes (non responsive).
- Packaged javascript files, enhancing loading speed.
- Fixed positioning issue with like buttons on photo hover.
- Removed unneccesary scripts.
- Fixed issue with sticky sidebar jagged when scrolled.
- Added support for fixed sidebar when the window width is larger than the container width.
- Fixed issue with permalink page (post page) container with extra height.
- Enhanced loading speed.
- Fixed infinite scroll post overlapping issue.
- Fixed Linkedin not showing issue.
- Enhanced infinite scrolling. Posts now loads smoothly without overlapping. New posts will fade in as oppose to jumping through the grid.
- Rebuilt IG feed with enhanced javascript, user ID error prevention, and it now loads the correct amount of images.
- Added Instagram feed support on the header layout.
- Repositioned back to top button.
- Sticked sidebar repositions on mobile devices.
- Added hover effect on photoset posts.
- Fixed positioning issue with like button on photo hover.
- Separated body and title fonts script. Preventing any errors when one of the font don’t load.
- Enhanced infinite scrolling. Fixed issue with posts overlapping on initial load.
- Rebuilt IG feed with enhanced javascript, user ID error prevention, and it now loads the correct amount of images.
- Minified javascript, therefore increasing the loading speed.
- Post grid now fades in faster (function fires once grid is initialized, previously, it fires when the entire page is finished loading).
- Fixed issue with site not loading when animated loading option is turned on.
- Fixed issue with photo lightbox not working.
- Fixed issue with pagination (not infinite scroll).
- Fixed and enhanced sticky navigation bar.
- Fixed navigation links overlaps when it overflows to the second line.
- Added Fitvids.js, corrects video frame ratios.
- Removed double horizontal line between search and social icons
- Sidebar jumping while sticked issue fixed
- Support viewers that have a smaller window width than the container width